New Adjustments to SDoH Coding | Allzone Management services
In the 2024 ICD-10-CM, there are noteworthy changes to the SDoH codes Z55-Z65 that are worth mentioning.
Instead of discussing minor formatting and grammatical adjustments made by CMS, I will concentrate on the significant changes. Here are the updates.
● Under the category of problems related to social environment (Z60.8), the ICD-10-CM now includes more detailed specifications for “other problems related to social environment.” Specifically, the new additions are inadequate social support and lack of emotional support.
The SDoH category for children under Z62, which pertains to problems related to upbringing, has undergone numerous revisions and additions.
● The sub-classification of “child in care of a non-parental family member” has been removed from Z62.21, which pertains to children in welfare custody. In its place, the ICD-10-CM now includes “child in welfare guardianship” as a new addition.
● The categorization of institutional upbringing (Z62.22) has been modified to reflect two distinct classifications. Previously, “child living in an orphanage or group home” was considered as one classification, but now the ICD-10-CM has separate classifications for “child living in a group home” and “child living in an orphanage.”
● A new classification, Z62.23, has been added for children in the custody of non-parental relatives. This classification was previously included under Z62.21, but now has its own set of codes and subcategories. These subcategories include:
● Child under the care of a family member who is not their parent.
— Child in custody of grandparent
— Child in kinship care
— Guardianship by non-parental relative
● 823 is a new code added to indicate conflict between a parent and step-child.
● 24 denotes a child who is under the custody of a guardian who is not a relative.
● 83 refers to conflict between a child and a guardian who is not a relative.
● 892 does not cover cases where a child has run away from their current living environment.
Lastly, Z65.8 under psychosocial circumstances has been added to include the risk of experiencing loneliness.
These new codes primarily aim to provide more clarity on a child’s environment and upbringing, with additional emphasis on the effects of lack of social support and loneliness.
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